Easter Celebration: Be of Christ in Your Relationship with Others, _ENACT Senatorial Aspirant Admonishes Christians


The leading Aspirant for 2023 Kwara South Senatorial District APC Ticket, Engr. Nurudeen Adeyemi Balogun has admonished Christians brethren to replicate the golden virtues of Jesus Christ as recorded during the lent and easter periods. According to the statement released to congratulate Christians for the successful completion of this year’s lent period and celebration of Easters festival, Adeyemi said “It is with grateful mind that we give glory to God Almighty to count us among the blessed who witnessed the fasting period with our brethren in christiandom. We are happy and grateful for the grace.

As Christians around the globe celebrate this festival, let us be of Christ in our relationship with other people around us so as to enable a Godly environment for all. In other words, a peaceful, joyful, progressing and flourishing society will be attained if we can adhere to the golden rules of treating thy neighbor as thy self and being your brother’s keeper by resisting different unGodly temptations of this world, and be ready to make unconditional sacrifices for the betterment of others irrespective of colour, race and status in our society.

At ENACT, we joyfully congratulate all Christians brothers and sisters especially in Kwara State. Let us remember our dear state in prayers for continuation of the steady progress and development ongoing under the leadership of our Governor, His Excellency, Mal. AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq. May we witness more of Easter Celebrations on earth, Amen, he prayed.


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