Show and Demonstrate Good Neighborliness at Christmas


The ENACT Principal, Engr. Nurudeen Adeyemi Balogun has urged Kwarans to show love to their neighbors in the spirit of Christmas celebration. Engr. Nurudeen Adeyemi said this in the Christmas message thus;

We give glory and adorations to the God of the Universe for keeping us alive unconditionally. Through the love of God, we are opportuned to witness this year’s Christmas celebration in sound mind. God be praised!

As expressed in the ways and preachings of Jesus Christ, let us increase our faithfulness and commitment to serving God Almighty through humanity. Jesus Christ demonstrated that God loves the world unconditionally. We should also, at all times, show and demonstrate good neighborliness at Christmas celebration.

This is necessary because the nation needs oneness and unity of purpose regardless of our ethno-religous affiliations. Our country, our state, our district must be developed and progressed with unity. Let’s emulate the ways of Christ and promote humanism in our actions.

On behalf of ENACT family, I wish our performing Governor, His Excellency Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, Our Royal Fathers, and all Stakeholders of the progressive family, a merry Christmas. May we celebrate more and more IJN.

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